Saturday, August 1, 2009

Drama, Drama, Drama

Jason had a little accident this week. He was playing at a friends house Thursday and they were shooting a b.b. gun (which is against our house rules in the first place, dad is supposed to be there anytime the boys use a gun). And I think he was showing off and shot at a baseball only a few feet away. The b.b. ricocheted and hit his eye. It didn't look to bad, but today he couldn't even open it so we called the eye doctor and his eye is full of blood! Yay. So now we have to fight him to put drops in his eyes every two hours. He is such a drama queen that Justin and I have had to literally sit on him to get the drops in. Hopefully it gets better soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I am so glad you started a blog. Now we can see those cute boys. I hope Jasons eye is getting better. Take care.
