Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back to school

I now have all three boys in school!!! Teagan started pre-school on Wednesday. He goes for two hours on Mondays and Wednesdays, and is so excited to be a big boy just like his brothers. Landon started kindergarten and was a litte sad that here we only have half-day kindergarten. In Grand Junction Jason got to go all day, but Landon loves school and told me all about recess!! His favorite part of the day. Jason just started third grade and is now to old for mom to take him to his class on the first day. He found a friend who is in his class outside and they took off to their classroom as soon as they got inside. He has a good teacher who works hard to make her students more responsible, so he has homework every night. I am so happy to have them back in school. Lets just say that we all needed it. I am sad that I don't have any pictures to post yet, but that's how it goes when you don't have the internet at your own house. I'll get some up as soon as I can.

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