Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Landon

The one good thing about Jason and Landon's birthdays being so close is that they still enjoy celebrating together so we only have to do one party. I did make Landon a special breakfast this morning. He wanted pork chops and eggs. It was an interesting breakfast. Oh well. It's only your birthday once a year.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Jason

Jason just had his ninth birthday! Since Landon's birthday is on Wed. and they pretty much have the same friends we just did a fun dinner up on the mountain last night. Jason told me this morning that it was the best birthday party he had ever had. I am so glad. Again, no pictures since we camped last night and I only came in for work (yes I am working as I post this.. what a fun day). Hopefully I'll have some time soon.

Back to school

I now have all three boys in school!!! Teagan started pre-school on Wednesday. He goes for two hours on Mondays and Wednesdays, and is so excited to be a big boy just like his brothers. Landon started kindergarten and was a litte sad that here we only have half-day kindergarten. In Grand Junction Jason got to go all day, but Landon loves school and told me all about recess!! His favorite part of the day. Jason just started third grade and is now to old for mom to take him to his class on the first day. He found a friend who is in his class outside and they took off to their classroom as soon as they got inside. He has a good teacher who works hard to make her students more responsible, so he has homework every night. I am so happy to have them back in school. Lets just say that we all needed it. I am sad that I don't have any pictures to post yet, but that's how it goes when you don't have the internet at your own house. I'll get some up as soon as I can.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun at the fair

I am so glad that the fair is over now. We had a ton of fun, but it was exausting!! Jason's pig wieghed in at 214 lbs. So we had to get her washed and shaved first. What an exciting thing. We let Jason start, but Justin and I helped. By the time we got done she was ready for a nap. The next day was the showmanship and market shows. They were really nice and let Landon show his and Kysons pig in the showmanship part where they look at the kid and how they handle the pig. He was holding his stick wrong and lost the pig a few times, but he was so excited to get to participate. All the kids did good. Then the market show was when they judged the pigs. We weren't sure Jasons would do very well because she is so extreme. she has HUGE hams (hence the name bubble butt) and no cover (fat, lol, I know something about pigs now). But she ended up taking 5th over all and Kash's pig Ace took 3rd. They were soooo excited. Kyson and Landon's pig didn't show until Friday, and since Justin and I both had to work that morning we didn't get to see that, but Kyson took second in the showmanship and thier pig took third. Landon was all eyes when he saw the belt buckle that Kyson won. The auction was Saturday morning and it was long! I haven't ever been to one before so I was so lost. It was interesting. Jasons pig sold at $3.50/lb. to Bradford Tire (my uncles tire shop). So it was a good day for him. Landon and Kysons pig also sold for $3.50/lb. Kyson felt bad that he only paid Landon $100 for his help, but we told him that that is plenty of money for a 5 year old. He is already planning next year since he will have finished kindergarten and can do his own.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Drama, Drama, Drama

Jason had a little accident this week. He was playing at a friends house Thursday and they were shooting a b.b. gun (which is against our house rules in the first place, dad is supposed to be there anytime the boys use a gun). And I think he was showing off and shot at a baseball only a few feet away. The b.b. ricocheted and hit his eye. It didn't look to bad, but today he couldn't even open it so we called the eye doctor and his eye is full of blood! Yay. So now we have to fight him to put drops in his eyes every two hours. He is such a drama queen that Justin and I have had to literally sit on him to get the drops in. Hopefully it gets better soon.